Thursday, September 16, 2010


in a middle of a standing crowd .
it gets quiet as u take each step closer ...

Monday, September 6, 2010

~the truth

credits : deviantART

a story told many times.
but the truth had only been told once .


a piece of paper . wanted by all . nicely used . nicely written .
just as important .
once used . once written wrongly .
it thenn became useless . crushed . thrown away .
unwanted . unneeded .
left aside .
for a new one .

Thursday, September 2, 2010

~the eye

he is a great and powerful being . and he is fair . even to people who doesn't care . he still is FAIR . and he still CARES . he watches all of us . and watches EVERY move we make and plans every step we take . we might FAIL but maybe thats another way of him telling us if we dont give up . we might end up BETTER .

he see's us .