Friday, December 18, 2009

~its been a long time

wow . its been a long time since i've open-ed this bloggggg .
longer than time it self cn tell . o.0
aaaaaaacccchhhhhhuuuuuuu!!!!! dust -.-

r u goin to crap again kar mun??**

i guessed i am . wad to do?? boring la . =.=

haihh i wan to update something bt duno wad to update . @.@

few hours ago...

spirit of chrismas past comes**


she hold the wond and spin it . said smthing . and we wen off to looo-pa-doo-pa past**

i went for hi-tea at holiday villa hotel .

*nice place it could be a nice place . bt kinda crappy cz never renovate .... thats y its crappy ... coz nv renovate **

-.- yea yea we get it . moving on ....**

ok after eating like maddddd. and i tel u sertiously like MAD . their food r like _____ urmm all i cn say is that u wont see me there again .

0.o?? wait ... u ate like mad?? but... their food r like _____??? get ur story straight kar mun ...**

ok nyway . then aft that wen bck home lorh . the car was rushing like mad suppose to send my bro to work .

but unfortunetly wen we got home . he left already =.=

then wads the use??o.0**

thats the point there is no use ...-.-

ok continue..... then reach home d while my parents wen to dye their hair i was at home setting up TWO christmas tree's ....

and sprained my hand.... T.T damn it hurts...*sobs

then they came bck . then we wen out and eat .

spirit of christmas past:

sad..... u sprain ur hand??**

yerp .

spirit of chrismas past vanish into thin air .**


the end??

burggg . LAMAO .. so randommm -.-

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