Sunday, February 7, 2010

~share a smile

when ur walking down the street,
share a smile with those u meet,
if u happen to be wearing a frown,
it makes their smile turn upside down,
ever notice a smile has a way of saying,
"hello, and have a nice day? "
smile for awhile, dont be lonesome and blue,
smile is contagious, so share one or two.

what if we walked around looking sad??
would we feel better or , would we feel bad??
when u give someone around u a smile,
it makes them feel happy atleast for awhile,

it's so easy to put a smile on ur face,
smile takes a little time and they dont take up space,
and a smile seems to go a very long way,
so instead of a frown , share a smile everyday . :)

(actions speaks lauder than words)

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