Tuesday, August 3, 2010


its weird how much i try to make things right when i know nothing will turn out fine .
its weird how i say im fine , when i apparently know im not . its weird how people live their life in denial .
its weird how i think you'll change when apparently everybody told me you wont . its weird how much i believe you , how much i trust you, when i know your going to break your promise again .

for the past long hours i lay on the bed, paralyze ,crying again ,i thought to myself . is it worth it?? , is it worth crying for somebody that doesnt even care?

it really hurtss . and i dont understand cause i did everything and maybe my best wasn't good enough for you . and to know that . really h.u.r.t.s.

when people say u have to fight for what you want, then u would be truly happy, but why is that so? whats the different?? u fight for what u want, you'll get it , but in the end you'll loose it anyway .

i hate it! i hate how it hurts . how i have to NOT care . if i had said no right from the start . would it be better? . i hate how u make me laugh for the stupid-est things , i hate how u pull me in ur ARMS , i hate how u make my heart pump really hard, when we look in each others EYES, and i hate the feeling when im with you .

because i hate how much i love you .

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