"our life begins with our cries & also ends with another time of tears fall dwn cheeks..so in this gap between tears, laugh as much as possible..=)" imma out ):
hye readers,
OMG!!OMG!! im so freakin tired...!! i just got bck hme frm the pengawas sukaneka..
i went there at 3.00pm & came bck hme oni at 6.00pm...
bt it was fun tho..seeing ppl running n playing games while i & a few ppl kena pilih 2 prepare things 4 them to have fun..-.-
then suddenly in the middle of doin all this... it rained heavily =.=
and then while everybody was on their way bck hme, me & 2 other ppl stayed bck 2 helped clean..
well..atlease ada pujian frm teacher..=D
the end ;) t.care..
hrmmm!! today is seriously boring n not at all a bright day 4 me...(T.T)
started tis mornin...
wen 2 scul..then i gt picked for mc..meanin like givin anouncement 2 every single person at my scul..!!
so then i wen on stage..it was a busy day 4 all the teachers coz it was "academic week" so they were askin me 2 say tis n that...
well all i cn say was that i was in a mess 2...-.-
so wen i gt on stage i gt nervous n i started to panic, while i was talking, my heart started pumping n did some mistakes...(T.T) (but duno they notice anot cz i was sayin quite fast)
haihzzz..wad a day..!! then 'rehat' time went out late cz ytd forgot to finish my maths h.work so kena tahan...(1st time smmore)=.=...
then i guess my teacher felt kesian for us so she let us out finally!! well atlease gt like 7 min to eat...=(
haihzzz...then goin bck time i figured that i lost my money...then came bck home i was sooooo bored like hell...so i decided 2 go on9 lor..then c c...the stupid internet cannot..-.-
entah nk cakap ape..that's all..
t.care =(
hye reades,
have u ever thought whats the used of LOVE ?? well i did..i used to think that love was about losing yourself. letting urself go and letting the person u love be there to catch u. but i was WRONG. the thing is, the guys never seem to be willing to play the part, i dont know....
but actually, love is about trust..dont u think?? i mean its about opening urself up to a person and knowing that he'll respect the fact that ur haring ur soul. it's about sharing and being totally equal in a relationship and not losing a sense of who u r just to please the other person. and i truly believe that old saying that u have to love urself 1st b4 u love someone else. hrmmmm...because when ur in love, holding on to ur sense of self can be difficult. but the more u r aware of who u r, the less likely u r to let someone..!
and heres one thing i know for sure..i mean c'mon i think even u should know. crushes are not love. they're temporary, fleeting and often totally unfounded. do not mistake a crush for love. unless u want ur heart crushed. so,girls better think carefully before u want to search for ur MR.RIGHT..!! =)
(~.~) t.care...
remember think b4 u do something..=)
hye readers,=D
wanna laugh??ok mayb ur nt gonna laugh..n mayb this is lame but what to do?? i gt nothing 2 write...=) nway errr...u may proceed wit ur reading>>
>>roses r red, violets are blue,
monkeys like u, should be kept in the zoo,
don't feel angry, u will find me there too,
not in the cage but laughing at u..hehe..xD
>>>twinkle-twinkle little star,
u should know what u are,
mental hospital is not too far. =P>>>>the rain makes all things beautiful,
the grass n the flowers too,
if rain makes all things beautiful,
why doesn't it rain on u..? =D
>>>>>i wrote ur name on the sand,
and it got washed,
i wrote ur name in the air,
it was blown away..
i wrote ur name on my heart,
and i got a heart attack straight away.
>>>>>>god saw me hungry, he created pizza.
god saw me thirsty, he created pepsi,
god saw me in the dark, he created light,
then god saw me with no problems...
he created......
huhu was that fun??haha don be angry i was just joking.. while ur reading im thinkin that ur thinking..."why is she so bad ??" something like that la...ryte??hehe...
c'mon just chill n give ur self a break don think so much and just hangout wit ur frens n HAVE FUN!!! bcz all work and no play is a BORING life..T.CARE..=D
& always smile bcz every little smile can tauch somebody's heart..:)
OMG!OMG! im borreeeddd!!!
why sunday hv 2 b sooooo boringggg de???!!!!!
why why why???
hv u ever felt where... u noe...
ur life stinks ?
full of sorrows?
hv no direction?
& especially feel like u hv no life all in a sudden...??
huhu..its happening 2 me..im feeling like im in hell every day..=(
well if u do then dn 4get 2 leave a comment yarr....hehehye u noe wad..i just heard a song n its called "what if 2day was ur last day?"
what would u do?
would u go 2 the park n give ppl ur money??
would u ask ur frens out 2 say gud bye..?
would u cal ur old frens that u had never tlk 4 a lng time n had forgotton bout them, 2 say sorry...??
would u cal ur lover n say i love u??
or stay at home n be wit ur parents n family members??
heres a question for u..WHAT WOULD U DO??? (comment me bck)
think carefully...who noes it might happen 2 u one day n then & when it does..what would do??
t.care.. :)
hye readers,
here's the story of the walking miracle..the day she died was just a normal day. it was a tuesday, and she was late for school as usual! it was pouring with rain and when she arrived, she was completely soaked.
"her 1st class of the day was design and technology. she was looking forward to it, as they were working on their own pieces of furniture. she was making a chair, and today she was goin to finally screw the legs on and get to sit on it!
"she rushed into class and got to work. she found the electric drill and started securing the legs of her chair base. she'd attached two legs b4 disaster struck...
"she felt a massive electric shock. she can't remember anything at all after that.
"since then, her classmates and teacher have pieced together what had happened to her. it turns out the drill had a very old, worn out cable, and the wires were exposed. her hair was dripping wet and when the water hit the live wires, she'd got huge shock.
"she collapsed on the floor, unconscious. her teacher called an ambulance , but b4 it arrived , it had stopped beating .
"he tried to do mouth-to-mouth but it wasnt working. when the paramedicts got to the school, they pronounced her DEAD. her time of death was 9.47am.
"she was stretchered into the ambulance and taken to hospital to have a post-mortem to find out why she'd died. her mum and dad were waiting at the hospital, not knowing yet that she was dead.
"she was wheeled into a private room where her parents could say goodbye to her. Then, she started making a funny noise and twitching. her mum rushed to get the doctor. he came in and immediately started trying to revive me. he used one of those special machines that uses an electric current to help restart ur heart.
"miraculously, it worked. her heart started beating again at 10.02am. she had been officially dead for 15 minutes.
"her mum and dad couldn't believe it. one minute, they were mouring their dead daughter, and the next, they were being told she had come back to life!
"the doctors were very concerned that she would have brain damage, because her organs had shut down for so long. They told her parents that until she came round and had some scans, they couldn't be sure whether i was going to be okay.
"she was hooked up to loads of differnt machines and drips. Finally, she started to wake up. it was time to have her brain scans."the results of the scans showed that she had no brain damage at all. the doctors were amazed. they said it was almost unheard of for someone to be clinically dead for so long and be perfectly healthy afterwards .
"she were fully recovered now, and she dont feel any different to before. Everyone at school is fascinated by what happened to her, but she's just trying to be normal. she's even continuing with her design and technology studies-it's taken her a while to pluck up the courage to use the drill again. though. she didnt need to worry about finishing her chair- her classmates and teachers finished it for her and decorated it as a welcome back present!
"the school have been blamed for her accident, but she dont think thats really fair. it was just an unfortunate sombination of events. the chances of it happening were so slim-she was just very unlucky.
"one good thing to come out of all this is that now she have two birthdays-her real birthday and her rebirthday! her first rebirthday is coming up, and they are celebrating with a party. her mum's making a cake in a shape of an electric drill-it's lucky she can laugh about it now.
& thnx for ur time..=)
hye readers out there,heres a story...my friends dad jz passed away..n looking at her makes me really sad , scared n sorry for her i mean she's oni 14 n she has lost her father...has any of u ever think wad would happen if tis happens 2 u?? after that day..i realize that life is short for any of us..her father died bcz of an car accident...he was on his way 2 work on that mornin n as usual b4 he went out he huged n kiss his daughter(my fren) so on his way there ..theres this drunk guy suddenly turned n wen over to the opposite road...n at that second... BANG...!!he flew from his motorbike...,ambulance came....,doctor said he broke his head...
n he was gone....my point here is that never waist time..i mean any thing could jz happen anytime n anywhere..life is short ,so break the rules..forgive quickly..believe slowly..love truly..laugh unconrollably..& never regret anything that made u smile..so readers out there.., give ur parents a break n tell them that u love them..bcz anything could happen..t.care..& thnx for ur time..=D