Saturday, July 4, 2009

~what if today was ur last day?

OMG!OMG! im borreeeddd!!!
why sunday hv 2 b sooooo boringggg de???!!!!!
why why why???
hv u ever felt where... u noe...
ur life stinks ?
full of sorrows?
hv no direction?
& especially feel like u hv no life all in a sudden...??
huhu..its happening 2 feeling like im in hell every day..=(
well if u do then dn 4get 2 leave a comment yarr....hehe

hye u noe wad..i just heard a song n its called "what if 2day was ur last day?"
what would u do?
would u go 2 the park n give ppl ur money??
would u ask ur frens out 2 say gud bye..?
would u cal ur old frens that u had never tlk 4 a lng time n had forgotton bout them, 2 say sorry...??
would u cal ur lover n say i love u??
or stay at home n be wit ur parents n family members??

heres a question for u..


(comment me bck)

think carefully...who noes it might happen 2 u one day n then & when it does..what would do??

huhu... :)

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