Wednesday, July 8, 2009


hrmmm!! today is seriously boring n not at all a bright day 4 me...(T.T)
started tis mornin...
wen 2 scul..then i gt picked for mc..meanin like givin anouncement 2 every single person at my scul..!!
so then i wen on was a busy day 4 all the teachers coz it was "academic week" so they were askin me 2 say tis n that...
well all i cn say was that i was in a mess 2...-.-
so wen i gt on stage i gt nervous n i started to panic, while i was talking, my heart started pumping n did some mistakes...(T.T) (but duno they notice anot cz i was sayin quite fast)

haihzzz..wad a day..!! then 'rehat' time went out late cz ytd forgot to finish my maths so kena tahan...(1st time smmore)=.=...

then i guess my teacher felt kesian for us so she let us out finally!! well atlease gt like 7 min to eat...=(

haihzzz...then goin bck time i figured that i lost my money...then came bck home i was sooooo bored like i decided 2 go on9 lor..then c c...the stupid internet cannot..-.-

entah nk cakap ape..

that's all.. =(

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