Saturday, July 4, 2009

~don waste tyme

hye readers out there,

heres a friends dad jz passed away..n looking at her makes me really sad , scared n sorry for her i mean she's oni 14 n she has lost her father...has any of u ever think wad would happen if tis happens 2 u??
after that day..i realize that life is short for any of us..her father died bcz of an car accident...he was on his way 2 work on that mornin n as usual b4 he went out he huged n kiss his daughter(my fren) so on his way there ..theres this drunk guy suddenly turned n wen over to the opposite road...n at that second... BANG...!!he flew from his motorbike...,ambulance came....,doctor said he broke his head...n he was gone....
my point here is that never waist time..i mean any thing could jz happen anytime n anywhere..

life is short ,so break the rules..
forgive quickly..
believe slowly..
love truly..
laugh unconrollably..
& never regret anything that made u smile..

so readers out there.., give ur parents a break n tell them that u love them..bcz anything could happen..

& thnx for ur time..=D

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