Sunday, August 9, 2009

~hungry feeling hungry..and boring...
(i think i should go out n buy smthing to munch)
oo.. haihz it looks like its gonna rain...(the sky is black..i mean dark)
hw worr??
hurmm no nid lerr...(T.T) (still starving)

reasons why i should not go out:
1)im a gal n i should nt eat too much.(??)
2)im a gal n hw could i go out on my own wad if smone rob me or smthing.i mean c'mon la who doesnt??..(perasan)
3)well unfortunetly its 4.35pm who would go n eat at this hour??(0.o ermm alot of ppl!)
4)its about to rain.
6) (im thinking of reasons)

hrmm lets jz forget bout food...(yeahhhh ryttteee!!)

(30 min later)

haihhhh IM HUNGRY!! and after 30min instead of goin anywhere im here sitting on the chair doin nothing except thinkin on what to write on this blog..haihhhhh (i need to get a hobby)...
i need to ask ..
what do normal ppl do wen their hungry and cant buy anything bcoz of the reasons shown above..??(if ur a boy then forget bout reasons 1,& 2) :] and not that im not a normal person but im jz saying..hee :D (have no reason to explain)

haihhhh..thats it!! im getting off my toosh (it means ass) (sori.., 4 underage ppl it means bud or behind which ever that makes ur satisfaction) and im goin to find my self things to eat ..,
who cares bout the reasons shown above..(did i just say that?? O.O) (now im really being crazy/lunetic)

hurrmm...(can't think of anything to write..)
.....(still nothing)

(signs of writers blockage)

(15 min later)

(this is awkward)


loveeee yooouuuu...(im bein sarcastic) =.=

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