Tuesday, August 25, 2009

~my trip to melaka

hey guys....i jz gt bck frm my trip at melaka..

heee..at d boat ^^ was a fotographer 4 a day.. cheeseeeee (was bored so decided to take a pic of myself)
heee...my mum.. :) pretty ma??

look..! look!! a big ship (=.=" omg y i sound like i nv seen a ship b4 ).. errm tecnically half a ship.. xD

me & my lil sis (kye li) we look alike ma..lolz?? (i dn think so)

looks fun huh..i noe..wanted to go bt tak jadi..T.T anyway its called pirate smthing...

me & my mum...(like mother , like daughter) lolz xD

oo..while the boat was goin i saw monitor lizards..(creepy) 0.0

at some "chandol" place in melaka...well as u noe ofcz eating "chandol"

as u all noe..this is chendol..>(before) (after) i mean in the middle of eating xD >

errr..some place in melaka...=D

yummy..some chicken rice place in melaka..=P

hua hua..end of story..

kar mun over and out...

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